Internal identifier
0 | Success | Installation finished successfully. |
1307 | NotEnoughFreeSpace | There is not enough disc space available on the system drive. The minimum required disc space is 3GB. |
1308 | NotSupportedOs | The minimum required OS Version is Windows 7 SP1. |
1309 | NotSupportedCountry | Installation is not allowed for embargoed countries. |
1310 | AnotherSecurityAppInstalled | Another Antivirus with known compatibility issues is already installed on the device. |
1311 | NoInternetConnection | Connection to Avira Servers could not be established. |
1602 | Cancel | Installation was canceled by the user. |
1603 | Failure | Installation could not be finished because of a component installation failure. |
1641 | RestartInitiated | Device reboot was initiated by the user. |
11641 | RestartInitiatedNoResume | Device reboot was initiated by the user to finish a repair or uninstall. |
3010 | RestartRequired | Device needs to be rebooted before installation can proceed. |
13010 | RestartRequiredNoResume | Device needs to be rebooted before uninstall or repair can proceed. |
13020 | SelfUpdateInitiated | Installation process exited during installer self update. |